I had a work meeting at her magazine last year, and she not only stopped in to say hi, she sat down, chatted with me, then we ate quiche together. She was lovely, but no-nonsense. It was surreal.
I had a work meeting at her magazine last year, and she not only stopped in to say hi, she sat down, chatted with me, then we ate quiche together. She was lovely, but no-nonsense. It was surreal.
I live in a 13-unit condo building, where Airbnb is not allowed under the HOA rules, which I’m happy about, because I don’t want random strangers a) in our common areas and b) to have access to our building keys and keypad codes. A few weeks ago I discovered that one of the condos that’s currently renter-occupied was…
No. Every feminist must be someone you should strive to be as good as at feministing. If you’re not that person we don’t want you. If you’re not the best at feministing then you’re not a true feminist.
“[T]here’s nothing positive that comes from pitting women against each other.”
Ohhhhh myyy GAHHH Demi sHUt UP. I call myself a feminist and the only “work” I put in is commenting on kinja 6 hours a day (I manage to engineer/eat lunch for the other 2).
I am going to imagine that she approached them in character, using the Claire voice. And then I am going to swoon over that for the rest of my life...
Man, Kelly Capwell has done well for herself. Suck it, Eden.
“always thought that was a disrespectful line in the song anyway”
The “Berniebro” thing squicks me out too after I learned the Clinton campaign hired tons of people specifically to go be pro-bernie trolls all over the internet. A lot of this problem was manufactured by Clinton’s team (not ALL of it, but enough that it turned the press).
Not thinking Sanders is a feminist seems a bit strange, his platform is extremely feminist. He’s been fighting for equal rights for all people his entire life. Is this a case of obnoxious bernie supporters tarnishing their candidate’s rep?
I will most likely go to the polls this November and cast a vote for Hillary, but not very happily. That bums me out too because voting for the first woman president should be exciting but it’s just not, for her. I don’t support neoliberal policy or war.
And he has no less right to influence the party platform just because he ultimately lost the nomination. As much as people try to keep painting Sanders as some fringe candidate, the truth is he has managed to almost split the Democratic party in two in what people predicted would have been a one-candidate primary a…
I am not a “bro”. I am a progressive, feminist, typically party-line Democrat woman who is #StillSanders.
If they choose to ignore these voters, write them off as unserious cranks, they have no one to blame but themselves if the lose their support come November.
Ah yes, us feminist, women Bernie supporters just don’t exist! Bernie is more pro-choice than Hillary even is. I’m tired of this false argument.
There’s not really any reason for him to drop out at this point. He wants to deliver a message at the convention, and it’s a message that the Democratic Party probably should hear, even if you are enthusiastic about supporting Hillary in the general election. And of course many of Bernie’s supporters are acting…
I feel like you are about 17,000 times more likely to be ridiculed for being ugly at a bar than at a music festival. I've only ever been teased about my body/looks at a bar by some drunk asshole. People on Molly are generally pretty kind.
That’s a bit of an overreaction. I don’t think the comment was condescending.