
It’s just too mentally exhausting to participate in other articles with all the arguing and whatnot. Someone once called me out on it and it made me feel like the MVP of the defense squad, truthfully!

I agree, that seems normal for someone trying to lose weight.

every lifetime achievement award is made up

OT but my daughter is forcing me to take her and her friends to a festival this weekend to see the 1975 and I was not feeling it but then I saw that Blondie is playing. I AM SEEING DEBBIE LIVE THIS WEEKEND AND I AM SO STOKED. Sorry, I just had to share it with someone who can appreciate the awesomeness of it all. :)

It reminds me of those velvet burnout slip dresses the dELiA*s catalog sold around prom time in the 90s.

The “I had the cheapest wedding” face offs were something I could have lived without. The mother in law dramas spoke to my soul.

I feel you. My Jurassic Park-themed wedding dreams were similarly shattered. It’s, like c’mon people! JUST THINK OF THE POSSIBILITIES!

You know what? Why the hell not:

To be fair, the Ren Faire is a whole lot of “What the hell time frame are you supposed to be from”? Majority are white, but not everyone, seen the whole spectrum of ethnicities there (and women of all ages popping out their girls as far as possible and still keep it legal. Let’s just say that’s equal parts

Mia Farrow is a nut. That needs to be considered and I am not a rape apologist I just know codependency when I see it from family experience.


I would add too that in general it is a bad sign when you need to pay more money to advance through the levels of any spiritual organization.

Three quick keys to figuring out if you’re in a dangerous cult.

I’m surprised to hear him described as an “unlikely looking” guru, because he looks exactly like I’d picture a smug, middle-age self-defined guru who tries to control younger women.

There’s a weird dichotomy in how stans like these think of the object of their obsession. On the one hand, she’s OMG QUEEN, someone they acknowledge to be strong, independent, and on top of the world. But somehow at the same time she is also completely vulnerable and incapable of defending herself from “attacks,” no

Is your son actually a cat and you haven’t noticed?

Can we get a regular Jezebel feature of police blotter stories please and thank you.

I mean if I were one of the emergency responders, I would have been really pissed... there are a lot of resources and people’s time that go into a backcountry rescue.

We have been debating this all morning in the Jezebel chatroom and there is still no clear consensus on what banana-bowels are like

I hope for the actual proposal he yelled EXPECTO MATRIMONUM