
“I leave my iPod Nano, full of music to take life less seriously by.”

I’d say it’s a lot better than I would have expected.

Because the series has been rebooted for the modern day, and the book was written in 1987, there are technological advances in the field of forensics that make significant aspects of the original plot impossible.

At the very end of the first episode, you realize that the series’ writers have made adjustments based on

There was a time when a fateful decision was made that the plural of “milf” should be “milfs” instead of the far superior “milves”, and that was the day that America died.

Crap. I mean, I guess maybe the music supervisor wrote and performed just enough of a song for that scene, but it seems crazy that they’d do that instead of licensing some unknown punk song for cheap.

Okay, now that that’s taken care of, can anyone tell me what the song is that’s playing at the 24:30 mark of episode 4 of season 1 of StartUp? Here is a brief recording (which you’ll need to listen to with headphones and the volume turned up a bit, because the music appears diagetically and there are keyboard clicking

I hadn’t exactly been following Domnhall Gleeson’s career since Ex Machina, so I was shocked at how different he looks now. Didn’t recognize him at all.

The single best training montage is, of course, from 1999's Mystery Men.

Incidentally, this is also the reason why the filmmakers decided to nix the character of “Klaus Barbie”.

I remember watching this movie at Doc Films, the theater on the University of Chicago campus. The studios would give lower-quality prints to those theaters, because they weren’t exactly major profit centers compared with actual movie theaters.

The twist is that none of the events depicted in the movie actually happen. It is, as we find out at the final credits, a work of fiction and what are known as “actors” and “actresses” are merely pretending to be the people we have been introduced to in the previous minutes.

Big Little Lies is utterly terrible. It’s one of those shows you think might be good because why else would so many big name actresses be signing up for it, but it absolutely sucks.

Now playing

I wouldn’t put it in the top 25, but I’m fond of his early stuff, like this and “Maga Dog”.

Well, I don’t recommend it, but to each their own.

Deadpool 3
Deadpool 3
Is as dead
As three pools can be
Algae’s shocked
With hypochlorite
Until there’s nothing
Living inside
And you
Can have a summer pool party

So has anyone here listened to it yet? Is it any good?

The movie was ... meh. Not terrible, mind you: parts of it were funny.

Deadpool 3
Deadpool 3
Is as dead
As three pools can be
Algae’s shocked
With hypochlorite
Until there’s nothing
Living inside
And you
Can have a summer pool party