Who could that be

Use Overcast to listen to it, and use their special feature to eliminate dead air automatically. Speeds up many podcasts without sacrificing too much.

I unsubscribed IMMEDIATELY after realizing the new season was about Dov Charney. What the hell were they thinking? Ridiculous. Start Up spoke to me as a small business owner, and it made me empathize with the start upp'ers. But Dov Charney? Suck a dick Gimlet!

The Best Show has been on fire for months. Hit after hit. The time traveling episode was the perfect audio accompaniment and representation of election night.

It was the greatest crossover since Scharpling did the run on Hollywood Handbook. I laughed a lot at this episode, instead of just listening and being entertained. Hayes saying, 'wait why am I doing the shrimp fest with Mike when I don't even really know him?' had me guffaw.

True. He was podcasting well before Gervais and Pardo had even thought of a podcast.

I was on that episode. Benjamin Partridge tweeted out for submissions…

I thought the same about Sasha Baron Cohen, but then googled and found that he repeated the same stories he'd already told, over the past 2-3 years on Stern, other radio interviews, TV, etc. Nothing new whatsoever.

"in a silk bathroom" ?? Please re-read at least once before posting articles.


This is true, and I sometimes have to go back and listen to one I deleted, just based on reviews here or in the comments.

I'm glad Tom put a warning not to tune out at the very end…sometimes when I hear him cuing up the outro music, I skip ahead. This time, I noticed there were 10 more minutes and those 10 minutes were GOLDEN.

Interesting about The Best Show causing you to bump out NNF. I was the same way years ago (maybe because of the relative length of each?) but just started to add NNF back in depending on the guest and it really works.

Overcast is the best podcast app for my phone that I've ever found.

I can't believe this. First, the song does not suck. The idea behind it is timeless, and one that I struggle with as a dad. How can you tell your child we'll do something later, when the kid wants to do it now, knowing how you can eventually end up breaking the bond between the two of you.
I'm trying to keep my own

Absolutely, and I remember details about that crime (it's local to me) that didn't make it in. The guy's a killer, but they tried to hard to be SERIAL.

The forced repetition of that song is what opened my eyes to what Tom was doing with the show.

They admitted that the initial release of this episode was a mistake, and included audio from a prior episode. Delete this episode, and re-download and you'll get the new story.

It hit all the notes, and Tom's transitions between the obviously fake-enthusiastic "best candy bar debate" and his own non-specific thoughts of depression following tragic events, with the 'cold wind blowing' and 'dripping water' loops as background before hitting the 'Sunshine Lollipops and Rainbows' song by Leslie


What about mature 7 year old?
We blew thru all of the standard 80's hits we loved, ET, Indiana Jones, Goonies, etc.