Who could that be

Hahahah, you probably drink at work, too.

But according to your posts, you HAD been in therapy. I meant that you should continue what you used to do. It will help.

I'm a hetero guy, too. I'm going to notice when I find a woman attractive. But I'm going to keep it to myself when I do!

Sounds like someone got slide-whistled last time, eh?

WAAAAYYY harsher. Absolutely.

hahahah, your comments were incredibly stupid-dumb in that thread. Poking fun was the least they could do!

I know exactly what you mean, but you can add the Katz one - I just downloaded all 3 or so years of it over the weekend and am almost done. He sometimes only does 2-3 eps a year, and none of them are over 8 minutes I think.

Tom did this bit YEARS ago. Not sure why it's on the front page now.

Absolutely. It was must listen radio


Bluelightspecial, I was debating listening to this one because it could be a dud. Though now I want to hear his casual racism - do remember when that occurred so I can just forward??

Scharpling is in rare form, and the Best Show has never been better.
"Will Kevin Smith ever release a collection of jort stories?"


If you listen often, you will see that Matt's "slams" on Eilliot are always of a completely different nature than Jimmy's. Matt always piles on, and even when Jimmy isn't being brutal, Matt will always "one up" Jimmy and the slam personal or hurtful. I have literally thought about this, and considered Matt to be a

I used to think the same thing. But the time flies fast. Tom varies it up and knows better than anyone if something's a dud (usually a caller) and moves on.

They still release Best Of podcasts, but from the new show, i.e. 2015!!! If you are subscribed via iTunes to the Best Show, you get the Best of the Best automatically. Sorry I don't know if that's true for other podcasting apps.

This was the absolute best combo of HH and Scharpling. My two favorite podcasts combined, and it was glorious.

Absolutely - Scharpling has been on fire with The Best Show, and my second favorite podcast of all time (Hollywood Handbook) sorta makes an appearance!

Once again, Hello From the Magic Tavern knocked this out of the freaking park. The themed improv podcast is getting better every single week. Got my wife hooked on it now, too!

Absolutely, a themed improv comedy podcast. That's a good description.