
I think the point he was trying to make but maybe didn’t articulate well is not that there’s an issue with characters being homosexual as much as there’s just a type of fan that takes something as written and ignores it and comes up with their own story around it not really in service to the story but purely in a

What lesson will Warner Brothers take from this other than “Movies with diverse casts won’t make as much money as we expect and the online mob will come for them anyway so why bother?”

I got into a long argument with this guy once and I’m glad this thread is here to show me how stupid and pointless it was to ever engage him.

They knew at the time how special he was there’s a reason him and Kitsch are the only kids who are regulars past the third season.

I went to a place to check out a car they had online. When I got there they told me it was at another dealership but we could look at some other stuff while “someone drove it down,” I said no thanks and left and went to the other dealership where they said they had sold that car 4 days previously. I fucking hate car

This person gets it.

TL:DR version. Illiberal people like each other.

When you’ sneaking comments at work. I mean obviously I’m embarrassed I missed that twice but you have to admit it’d have been a great episode if she did play him. Laugh and all.

She plays his girlfriend who was born with ambiguous genitalia.

Tammy withdrew, Chris what’s his face would have won but he voted for Tracy instead of himself.

Between Election and that Freaks and Geeks episode where she’s Seth Rogen I absolutely loved her as an actress. I was always disappointed she wasn’t in more stuff. This is awful

You think that’s a literal stance he’s taking? You’re either an absolute fucking moron or a bad faith actor who fakes outrage for attention. Either way kindly fuck off.

You’ve posted like 50 times about one anodyne joke taken out of context. So it’s definitely me who doesn’t have this story in proper proportion. Get a fucking grip.

Who could argue with such a retort.

I mean couldn’t you just as equally say getting upset about some lukewarm jokes is also pretty bullshit in these awful times?

If it’s on a closed course with safety equpment I don’t really see the issue with a drunk guy careening through some traffic cones. I assume they’d have the ability to kill the engine at will if they wanted.

Hahahha you must not work customer service with any rich people. They don’t want to pay for anything ever. I spend all day every day begging old white men with 917 area codes to pay bills they don’t need to spend a second thinking about. And all of them argue because they “give you so much business.” Just basic rich

“Privileged enough to sit things out politically” isn’t a thing. I’ve worked in my time with some of the absolute bottom wrung of people economically and not a one of them wanted anything to do with politics. Half the country isn’t engaged politically and the more money you make the more likely you are to vote. It is

I’m glad to read this because I’ve spent the last few months with everyone in my peer group saying “Isn’t it awful that schools are opening?” and not really responding because the truth is, my son is 3 years old and lost out on months of birth to three services over this that he’ll never get back and now I have very

The perils of old people writing “cool young kids.”