
Instead of centrist sniping at progressives for not voting for Hillary and progressives sniping at centrists for not voting for a better candidate might I suggest we remember that in the dark days ahead ALL of us have to unite to fight these fuckwads. Whatever differences we might have we believe in democracy, we

As long as people of conscience live and fight there’s reason for hope. Don’t let go of it. We’re all in this together. We’ll still be here even if they want to pretend we’re not.

The vetting committee told him she’d essentially be “high risk and high reward,” and he responded, “You shouldn’t have told me that I’ve been taking big risks my whole life.” Well...he’s right. They shouldn’t have told him that.

I won’t hesitate to let Jezebel know when I think they’re unfairly maligning centrist Democrats but I think the people in this thread hitting up Ashley for not being enthusiastic enough are out of their minds. A lot of more middle of the road Dems love criticizing progressives for engaging in purity politics, I can’t

It’s milquetoast, genius.

Literally no one here has misunderstood that you’re voting for him, what I’m here to say is the rest of us don’t really give a shit how you feel about it. There’s way more important things at stake than your feelings.

Have you considered that in light of how important this election is the rest of us just don’t really give a shit if you feel conflicted or not about it? He’s not the first (or second, or third, or fourth) choice for a lot of us but we haven’t spent the last 6 months crying about it.

Masturbated less? Hrm...what’s that like?

Yeah that was Harry Reid, not Joe Biden.

I thought it was really good, but I didn’t like BlacKkKlansman much so I just figured I’m out of step with how most people regard Spike Lee these days.

I am right there with you. “He had challenges we couldn’t foresee” Yeah that’s pretty much parenting an autistic child in a nutshell, lady.

She was literally asking on message boards about kids who have disabilities that “seem hard but aren’t really.” She was someone looking to cast the reality show she’s decided to make her life and she kicked the kid to the curb because it turns out his disability was harder than she thought. She deserves any and all

Yeah, now you feel what I felt.

Institutionalizing is still more widespread than you would think. After my son’s diagnosis I remember doing some frantic googling that said only 49% of autistic adults were institutionalized. I distinctly remember it as an instance where someone trying to be comforting accidentally causes a great deal more distress.

I’m not sure post my son’s diagnosis I could watch a movie like this. I watched The Predator last year and the depiction of autism in it was equally groan inducing. I didn’t find myself offended exactly though, just not really interested in this fake portrayal of a real issue effecting people. Would a real autistic

Oh I bet you’d be surprised what she’d be willing to do if one of her biological kids wasn’t as demonstrative with affection as she wants for her videos. Clearly if you can’t love mommy on camera for all the nice viewers and sponsors at home you’re a sick little boy who would probably be happier in someone else’s

I have two reactions to this both pretty visceral. My 3 year old son is autistic. And the fact that these assholes tossed out their son because he didn’t fit into their bullshit lifestyle grift makes me want to murder someone. But also I’m relieved for the child that he’s free from the grasp of these fucking

You’re very confused if you think a claim is evidence. It isn’t. Evidence is what proves a claim.

Has Katie Hill been accused of rape by 3 people?
