This is maybe independent of the article but I’d just like a general comment that Panama Jackson is an awesome fucking name.
This is maybe independent of the article but I’d just like a general comment that Panama Jackson is an awesome fucking name.
Hahaha to live in a world where $300 isn’t “that much more.”
*Sees Yasiel Puig picture*
What is like to be so good at this?
To be fair Booker was just mad because he stole his bit.
You should see Atomic Blonde.
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills because I loved Wine Country but everyone else seems to hate it.
Wow, I didn’t Andrea Iguodala was an asshole.
Yeah Rey and Kylo are off playing “Jedi doctor” in their tents in that movie.
Oh I read the Scientific American article that read exactly what I said so I guess I can assume your reading comprehension skills are about as good as your fucking science literacy. Again, yes there’s some correlation between having more money and having less empathy but nothing says “most” people who are “rich” are…
Go ahead and shoot me that Scientific America article that says “most” meaning more than 50% of rich people are sociopaths. I’ll wait here.
Some studies might have suggested rich people have less empathy but I guarantee you no science proves “most rich people are sociopaths or pscyhopaths.”
Well your tweet is the first to win a Pulitzer.
Well he had to go on the run after he saw Mark Wahlburg kill Matt Damon.
70 TD’s and 28 INT’s in three years. Yeah, he’s just awful.
Regression and injuries. The year before they won a game when their rookie kicker hit a 61 yard field goal, how many times does he miss that if you replayed it 100 times? I would imagine the true Eagle talent lay somewhere in the middle right around 12-4 or 11-5.
Right ear, but I had a perforated ear drum in my left ear as a child and don’t hear as well out of it so I’m not sure I was left with much choice.
I loved this book for the first 150 pages or so, but there were 600 pages after that and they sucked.
Inception’s great. “Smart” is a question of relativity. Is it smarter than a Transformers sequel? Absolutely. Is it smarter than Tarkovsky? No. It’s still a great movie either way.
How is his name not Bark Lensnar in this scenario?