
My honest feeling as someone whose son is on the autism spectrum is to ask you to not throw around a diagnosis on someone you don’t know when you really just mean they’re off putting or seem socially awkward.

Caught 3 minutes or so of last night and couldn’t believe that this was the show people were raving about. 

I really liked this show but honestly sometimes it’s better to end too early. 

Also the soundtrack was awesome!

I saw that movie the summer after 8th grade so it’s always going to hold a special place in my heart for setting unreal expectations for what high school/high school parties were going to be like.

I don’t suppose anyone would like to point out that while Beto is very weak in policy he’s very good at fundraising which is actually a really important thing for down ballot candidates? No. We’ll just pretend everything’s all one thing or all another? Alright.

Yeah it’s not like the problem is really access to sex it’s not being able to foster a kind of relationship with someone where sex is possibility and a positive thing. 

He gives a big speech about his reticence to plug into a capitalist society (though I doubt he himself would necessarily consider himself a socialist.) I definitely felt at his age equally unsure of my place in a system like that. And now that I’m older and I have a job and a mortgage I still don’t necessarily feel

I used to be firmly pro instant replay. And now it has turned sports into some sort of philosophical rabbit hole of “what is a catch, what is life really? are any of us truly here?” Let’s just call it live, right or wrong and move on.

Yeah you really need to prove that premise first before you move on to “what do we do about it?” 

I am currently reading Meet Me in the Bathroom and there was a very brief anecdote about Natalie Portman making fun of Moby for saying “rad” in it.

I think I just came.

Confused it with Obamacare, absolutely right, sorry!

You’re right, I was confusing it with Obamacare!

You’re right, I’m an idiot.

.....Roberts was the deciding vote on same sex marriage, why would he change now? 

I love him as an actor, sucks that he’s a dick.

Oh I don’t know if anyone’s going to flip out too much. He can’t be worse than George Clooney. Pattinson has been very good in indie fare the last 5-7 years, why not see what he can do with it?

Anyone who reads Drew Magary feels like they know him personally because of how honest and open his writing is. Thank you for writing about this and giving this very personal insight into what happened to you. Literally thousands of people who have never met you were terrified for weeks when you were out of commission

They’re doing it because they want it to go to the Supreme Court to overturn Roe V. Wade, they would not have done that if they didn’t think they had a chance over overturning it, it’d just be a waste of time.