
You are overrating consistent mediocrity.

My wife said no. But I definitely asked.

If you were really from Western CT you’d say the only part of the state you actively hate is Eastern CT which everyone knows is just trumped up Rhode Island.

As a 32 year old Connecticut resident, they can go fuck themselves. That’s our song. You stole the team you can at least leave us our shitty kitschy song. It’s all we have left.

Asuka eliminated Nikki by herself.

What the fuck did you put in your crock pot?

I now know why some men are driven to murder. Thank you.

You should have seen how he responded when they asked if he could look up.

A cat flew on a private jet by itself....but taxes are too high......these thoughts....do not compute together.

We can be a lot, frankly.

Well this would have happened under Hillary Clinton too though, right? Because I read she’s a Republican.

If I had to guess...he has money, or will inherit money.

If you prefer to think that life is only Democrat vs. Republican that’s your prerogative. I for one think it’s perfectly fine to tell someone who doesn’t respect women’s boundaries to go fucking pound sand. And frankly, you can fuck off too.

“The Owen voices” phenomenon predates Owen’s death. My earliest memory of it was during the Owen Hart-Shawn Michaels match on raw that ended with Shawn selling a concussion injury by collapsing in the ring. I’ll always remember this because as a huge Shawn Michaels mark it scarred me as a child.


Get Out or gtfo

You think Volume 1 is the good Kill Bill? Wow

Fuck this clown. Resign.

1st slow dance!

Did anyone else immediately think of the “And Now This” they show on Last Week Tonight featuring Charlie Rose low key perving it up with his costars and think, “Yeah that adds up, actually.”