
Loria was only actually there for the second championship I believe Wayne Huzienga was actually the owner who sold off the 97 Marlins.

Well we know 1 isn’t the answer. I guess time will tell with 2.

I don’t understand the standard of “It’s not as bad as...” Either it’s acceptable behavior or it isn’t. I don’t think Franken should have to resign over the stupid photo where he pretended to grab that lady’s breasts, but he fucking forced her into making out with him. By any fucking standard that’s disqualifying

If you’re not willing to hold people to account what makes you better than the person you’re looking down on.

I like both Love and You’re the Worst. But You’re the Worst is loads better, so I guess I adhere to the rule.

Seems like she’s the Jim in real life.

For me it’s the vampires in the hospital.

In my head I literally replace it with n-word, it’s the same amount of syllables.

Biden, Harris, Sanders, Booker, Warren, or whoever. I’m voting 100% because there’s a fucking white supremacist rapist in the oval office, and to top it all off he’s a fucking moron. So you want to score points on people that’s fine. I no longer care to squabble until that man is out of office.

She was hammering one of these women a couple of months ago.

I was one that definitely felt annoyed about the insinuations that Jezebel ran for years about Louis. Today is the time to ask myself some hard questions. I always told myself that my problem with what Jezebel was doing was that Kirkman denied the story and they didn’t have any actual accusers. The real question I ask

Yeah pretty weird to be like “Ah I was just a kid when I was emotionally manipulating people into sending nudes to me.”

I’d take Tyrod and Flacco over Eli, maybe Red Rifle, too.

I think he did it. I want to say that first. There is no clear cut way that anyone has to reacting to being accused of crimes. Guilty people panic, guilty people are smooth, innocent people panic, innocent people are smooth.

This is just proof that art geared towards women is all trash. Now would anyone like to talk about professional wrestling with me?

The protests don’t have anything to do with the military. Making it about the military when people are protesting actual injustices is fucking shitty.

I like the Addams Family Movie, I love Addams Family Values. It’s just plain amazing. I love the way she use to turn to me and say, “Jesus, Fester go back to your room.”

Yeah that was awkward as shit.

People who are abusive are perfectly capable of hiding their behavior from people they are not abusing.

Detroit is a scary ghost town filled with abandoned houses and almost literally no people.