
I like the way this Snrub thinks.

I don't know, he had the record for completions, of all things.

I think you're underselling the possibility that Manti Teo is not a very intelligent person.

I'm curious, what, in your mind, is funny about what you wrote? The fact that he isn't Spanish? Or that you took one of the oldest joke bits and messed up the form?

Wait...I thought Sarah Phillips was the girlfriend?

Yeah if Peyton Manning is so great why did he let Jacoby Jones get past him guys?

It's possible he was just referring to the game in Lambeau earlier in the year, at least that's how I read it.

Why hate on the Artist? I think it's a better movie than a few of the nominations this year including Les Miserables (which is as terrible as Extremely Loud and War Horse and probably worse than the Blind Side) and Silver Linings Playbook, which was a frenetic mess. I realize it's chic to crap on Best Picture winners

Your joke would kill in 1999 when stat abbreviation jokes were all the rage. Don't worry, I'm sure it'll come back around.

You're an evil human......and I love it.

I'd rather they talk about Ray Lewis who is actually a great player 1,000 times a week than Tim Tebow who gets all the accolades with none of the performance.

Yeah for real, the response to this story is making me pretty uncomfortable. People seem to go wild when a black man is accused of any crime, suddenly you can say with a straight face he committed ALL the crimes.

Now I'm going to pretend Will and Tim's lists were also elaborate jokes.

Mark Sanchez while terrible is still a better quarterback than Tim Tebow. That is the sad reality you Tebowmaniacs need to face.

I think this communicates pretty clearly what people who actually work in football think of his abilities. He played pretty awfully last year and the Broncos won in spite of him. To a certain section of mouth breathers this meant he had magic powers. Obviously no one else in the NFL was a believer in these magic

Is this all just because people are stepping on your dick about Ted?

So when he ends up in the CFL that means half of Sportscenter will now be covering the Argonauts? Berman's going to be fired up.

I was going to say this movie was very Tarantino-esque

Hitler didn't start gun restriction in Germany that law was passed in the Weimar era.

I know it's probably not his fault but the character he played in My Week with Marilyn was so irritating that I can't see it.