
Hold on just one minuteā€¦.
Tom Hanks has another son besides Colin?

Somehow I think they'll get over it. Almost immediately. As if it didn't even happen.

Overly Dedicated proved that to me.

Depending on the podcast, possibly.

That's great and all if it's true. But you do realize you're part of an INSANELY small segment of the market, who cannot possibly support the amount and quality of web content you consume?

Really? Did you not see the ending of Mad Max?

You get two.

You could have an argument for Beyonce. Still doesn't diminish that he's arguably the biggest rock star of the last decade.
Beyonce could also make that statement, and it wouldn't be ridiculous either.

Oh well then. Isn't the egg all over my face.

Who exactly has been on the same level for over a decade now? I'm genuinely interested. I know T Swift is popping now, but I highly doubt she'll be just as relevant in a decade.

It's pretty objectively defendable. Album sales, concert sales, critic reviews. There's an endless amount of different fronts from which one can defend the statement.

Dear White guys,
Stop calling it censorship when someone tells you to shut up for being a douche. It's not.

You have to be. Or you've never been to a party, watched television, been out in general public, and ignored the Rap Genre as a whole.

You're saying that like "He makes ok music" isn't a subjective statement.
Objectively a ton of people think he's been making excellent music for over a decade.
So I don't understand why you find people defending a person they think makes excellent music funny.

Nononono. That was okay.
THIS. This, is where we draw the line.


Are you genuinely concerned for your safety when it's raining cats and dogs?

Sitting in the theater halfway through I had completely forgot I was watching a fast and furious movie.

The did the old timey website thing yesterday.

I bet Amazon is really embarrassed right now.