
*puts half eaten stick of butter down*

To be fair that Fox News anchor was fluffing him up, calling it a smart move. He actually lowered the bar from "smart" to "not very stupid"

*Breaks dick scanner*

That's definitely not true.

Not only is his fetish extremely disgusting, but also cartoonishyly incriminating.

I like the phrase "obnoxiously tall".

Or the LGBT jokes on HIMYM.

Unfortunately there's no apps to track whether you slap your children

Smepper?! Smepper, shmepper!

The best stand you can take is not clicking articles about things you don't care about.

I gotta say, when the dudes performing on a flying stage and morphing pyramids, that's actually a fair point. If that were me, I'd wanna know how awesome I look.

Jesus couldn't spit a 16 to save his life.

Kanye is the only rapper that's still on since the early aughts… This is far from a "phase"

" That’s not all a licensed female masseuse specially flown in from Kerala will be provided to Bieber on all 4 days" seems like a real weird sentence to have in a legal document.

Avatar was a visual spectacle with a generic story. By no definition is there anything "awful" about it.

Look, some of us would just rather these large traffic sponsored websites run purely on articles no one is interested in reading. Is that so hard?

I love this level of "awfulness" that only seems to appear online. The box office loved it, the critics liked it, yet you'd think we were talking about Battlefield Earth.

Yeah, either the traffic is low, or it's just not a very interactive community.
If Polygon could get the same traffic as The Verge, I think it'd be a more fun website to visit.

Polygon is generally pretty good too.
Ever. Go to IGN on an article like this.