
To me, it looks like something out of a Wes Anderson movies.

You're the real MVP, champ.

I think we all know the real reason it hasn't shown up on Netflix yet. I haven't boughten the DVDs. As soon as that happens, it'll pop up the following week.

I wouldn't call it anything. Dating does not equal sex, and the age of consent varies all around the world. Even if I wanted to go from a moral ground there's no magical wisdom granted upon you when you're 18 that makes your consent more valid. She's going to be the same exact person in a couple months as she is now.…

25 year olds dating 17 years old=Sexually abusing children? Ugggh.

I don't get why this article was made. It was clear in the video that he was joking. Charlemagne fed him the line.

Are you sure? You're already moist.

I actually watched the whole episode. You don't need to see it. He totally had it coming.

ah okay.

Wait, so there is something to gain? I thought everyone was saying "why would anyone make this up? There's nothing to gain?" Millions of dollars is definitely something.

There are, in fact people suggesting that, just look around the comment section.

Not really, this is AV Club, the opinions around here are pretty one-sided.

If you had a life worthy of consideration, you wouldn't be trying to dig through my comments.

Yeah, how dare people like things you don't! The nerve!

His wife seems really supportive.

Hey! Don't eulogize your self!

Not if it's outside the statute of limitations…

Forgot to add the part of having zero evidence. That's the main problem.

I expect them to ask what happened. Then go examine all possible evidence. And if I can't prove that they stole my stuff they don't go to jail. that's how things work. That's how I expect them to treat all crime.

With an attitude like what? Report crimes committed against you in a timely manner? Have evidence for the crimes you accuse people of? These things are unreasonable? I must be living in a completely different country because that seems to be the basis of law.