
See this is exactly what I'm talking about. It's impossible to have an adult conversation about this.
I say, "it's the responsibility of the victim to make sure their perpetrator faces his justice"
Then you call me a victim blamer and that's the end of the conversation. You win because you put me in a box with a coined

Fair enough.

You're forgetting the asterisk at the end of Testimony*.

Unlikely still doesn't mean not true. That's really all that matters. Hopefully in the future(unfortunately) women will come forward in a timely manner so we can actually do something about it. Until then, we can't without setting an incredibly dangerous precedent.

Oh good, so you did understand my message entirely, but purposefully decided to ignore the part that invalidated what you wanted to say.

To your first part: Honestly I don't think there's a correct answer for how to answer if someone tells you they've been raped between those two options. I don't think we should leap to believing it and I don't think we should deny they did it. I think we should reserve judgement until all the facts are on the table,

I'm pretty sure you just said the exact same thing i said. I just said that it's highly unlikely that many women would lie, but still writing it off entirely is insanity.

Well we're not in a court. We're on the internet. I'm arguing for reason.

Look I'm not arguing for Cosby because I have no opinion on the matter. You can't prove anything . You can't punish him. My opinion doesn't matter.

You should probably watch "Brooklyn" then. It's considerably less funny and more recent.

I think you're taking the statement too seriously. The author is likely just referring to AV club readers as "everyone".

I'm fairly certain there are billions of people who have never heard of her. I don't understand what that has to do with this.

"white dude older than 30"

So what you're saying is to make sure your kid doesn't personally know any Ice cream men.

It's so funny that you said that.

Should of made of good enough first impression? There is no "should of" Not everyone's first album is great. A lot of people I like to listen to really came around in their second album. Culdesac and EP before that already left a good impression on me. Then when he came out with Royalty, BTI, and STNMNTN/Kaui only

Holy crap, that list was pathetic.

Yeah he raps like that…Two albums ago…

Look at Colin Farrell's range…of hair styles!

That would be true, if 128gigs wasn't Apple's Max size now. Which it is.