
how could they not smile? What an achievement!

Nothing has made me laugh harder than

I'm actually pretty happy with a lot of the changes they made lately. The UI is actually pretty nice now.

Wouldn't that still be figuratively?

wanna know how I got these scars?

Hell, I'd pay to see Sheen do some Kanye songs.

Puffy was only relevant because of the rappers he brought up. Jay Z has basically turned into Puffy at this point.
Kanye remains wholly relevant after a decade, and no one he's brought up outshines him.

Check your prison privilege.

Haha, ruffle a little feathers did I?
Who hurt you?

Her basement is sound proof, don't worry.

1. Douche is not exclusive to any sex.
2. You didn't actually counter anything.
3. I was being sarcastic too, take it easy.
4. I don't know what /v/ is, is that a 4chan thing?

1. Mine isn't the only one people are reacting negatively to, actually all the positive posts people are reacting negatively to.
2. No, it's not like you saying " You don't like michael bay movies?" It's like saying "Oh you don't like paramount movies?" EA is the video game equivalency of a production company, not a

"Subscription to the Sarah Palin Channel is $9.95 per month or $99.95 for the entire year"

Thanks, I used to think it was just full of hipster douches. Now I know it's just full of hipster douches.

It's $30 for a year. Why is everyone taking the month to month price, what kinda idiot pays double when the year is so cheap?

Yes, telling people not to buy an EA service they're not interested in makes me a shill. You caught me. I give up, I'm gonna go back to my EA home, take an EA shower and change into my EA jammies before I go to EA sleep. But not before I EA cry.

Chances are in the future they will have a ton more titles. You don't have to pay $5 a month, you can spend $30 a year. That's $2.50 a month for access to EA titles on Xbox One, not to mention a 10% discount on all digital purchases, which means you only have to buy 5 EA games in a year for it to break even, that's

I like how literally nothing you said was a response to anything I said. I don't even know where you got anger from, probably your own misinterpretation of my text. I used Caps once to accentuate what I was saying. If anything it's snarkiness.

Abbreviations too complicated for you too?
