Low Information Boater

“keeping these is bad but replacing them is hard so lets just keep them” is a position i always like my politicians to have tbh

Not just “kind of”. She does.

ok but

“Homeschooling doesn’t *make* one socially awkward. You either are or you’re not”

This is not even close to accurate. There isn’t an innate unchangable level of social awkwardness. Kids end up socially awkward because they don’t get the experience necessary to learn how to navigate social interactions with peers. For

Of course drinking a bud would be a poor choice in WI as well.

Standard reply - “Well, some of us have been around long enough to know that just belaboring a point with obvious and cliched metaphors does not make one an artist. It just makes one an enabler of insufferable film students.”

Now playing

He peaked with Thin Red Line. Admittedly, a really high peak.

“Should I study and get smarter, or should I go hit people in the face?”

él es tan pobre que lo único que tiene, es dinero

“I am not perfect. Nor are you.”

Our sheriffs still do old fashioned beat downs with clubs in Calfornia.

They say money is like Miracle Gro for your character flaws.

Now playing

There’s only one video for Sledgehammer.


Should I feel bad that I am excited in the hopes of seeing a massive for profit organization completely and utterly fail? Even if it’s at the cost of individuals who simply want to do what they love?

Armchair psychologist here, but I’m pretty sure this guy has some severely unresolved emotional and mental issues.

Why fold the steel? You only really need to do that if your steel has a lot of impurities and you need to even out the concentration. Unless he’s smelting raw iron ore himself, there’s no need to do this apart from making the blade look and sound more exotic. Don’t get me wrong, I love how it looks, but if your

Exactly. You knew, anyone talking about “Every Marine is a rifleman” wasn’t.

Just so we’re all on the same page here, there’s no such thing as “artificial gravity”. Spinning works because gravitation and inertial mass are identical, in accordance with Einstein’s “Equivalence Principle”. That’s why gravity (space warped by the mass of the earth, for instance) and acceleration (simple dynamic

That is the saddest peace sign I have ever seen. It makes peace look unappealing.