Low Information Boater

I can’t wait to hear her story. Actually, I am more interested in hearing about her husband. Are they still married? Or has he gone back to men?

Secretly steal things from their homes when you visit them. DVDs, jewelry, etc. The finances will start to even out in the long run.

notoriously rust prone aluminum

Who the fuck drops a load of landscaping blocks into their truck bed from 5 feet above the bed in the real world? This is how you break all the landscaping blocks you just bought and thus have to go buy them again.

Way to move the goal posts, Diana. You asked, “Name the last Steeler you’d call elegant.” I named at least three current ones. You then reply with some diatribe about retired players.

In this week’s SI, there’s a quote that really struck me:

So men participate in all sorts of dishonest and corrupt business practices and jeopardize lives too, but she’s the one who walks away empty handed?

They deserve better than Hillary “already looking for my Falklands” Clinton, too. The last President who didn’t send them to the far side of the planet to kill brown people was Jimmy Carter and you can rest assured that whoever of those two chickenhawks will be the next one, they won’t be another Jimmy Carter. That

Just build this and sell it to me for fucks sake!

“If you’re not a liberal when you’re 20, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative when you’re 40, you have no head.”

“Personal philanthropy is a private matter for individuals and their families,” said the head of an organization that spends millions every year making sure people don’t give poor college kids $20 for groceries.

I lived in western Montana for 15 years, and every summer we’d read the paper for all the stupid-tourist-antgonizes-wildlife-and-gets-injured stories from Yellowstone and Glacier. A lot of people are dumb, aggressive and weirdly entitled in the parks.

Come to Minnesota. It is a drink ordered fairly often. Mainly from a college aged crowd.

TIL: Truth In Lending. Payments, total interest, term, etc, have been required in bold, inside large boxes, for something like 2 decades. Get your shit together, people!

Thanks for shitting on the joke. I bet you didn’t raise your hand in grade school, you leaned forward, grunting, and waved it.

Never apologize, never explain.

I actually loved Dick. It really was a great movie!

“the possibility of Pablo Sandoval getting in shape”

Pear is a shape.

Two words:

+1 Lou Reed