Low Information Boater

The Detroit Lions are the best film Lars Von Trier never made.

If you’re unsure of why so many Bernie fans are “rabid,” it’s because we’re tired of the media and other liberals who tell us he’s unelectable. So many of us are fervently trying to convince Hilary supporters who point to her “pragmatism” and “electability” that Sanders isn’t unelectable just because his ideas

The problem is people who don’t want to vote for Sanders because of a few people on Twitter. Not of his politics nor policies, but of people on Twitter. It takes real privilege to not vote due to some mean people on Twitter.

Bernie Sanders has some annoying sexist fans.

Beneath Shaq’s endless layers of bluster and braggadocio, he remains at his core an awkward kid who genuinely cannot believe that he became one of the greatest basketball players of all time. Shaq really thought Jimmy Kimmel was pulling his leg.

That crinkling sound was him opening the crackers, which he then PUT DOWN ON THE FLOOR.

This motherfucker is so corny I swear Congress is gonna subsidize him in the next farm bill.

Since when do lips have personalities?

We’re still laughing.

In reality, what happened was Russo, in that very moment, realized that all of his efforts, his strivings, his bloody backstabbings to claw his way to the top? They were for nothing! It was all like life/the universe/fate/choose your omnipotent force/deity had set him up for the punchline of a lifetime, and that cold

This assumes that the point is worthy of public discourse and argument. It isn’t always, especially for someone who is obviously not willing to argue in good faith (see: punching people). It’s not worth anyone’s time to ask, for example, a Nazi, to espouse his beliefs on the superiority of the aryan race in any sort

So much talent on this team and so little to show for it. It’s hard out here for a Wolves fan.

Yep. In boot camp, there were a few Listerine drinkers. Months with no access to booze made a few people nuts.

I’ve personally found that being white in America is a pretty sweet deal. I’m always puzzled as to how these folks can’t grasp that.

Man, on the heels of B.o.B.’s bullshit earlier this week, it’s like everybody has to disagree with Newton.

they had all of recorded human history up until about 2003 to get good at it.

That was the story of Sunday - Patriot goes for a 2, disaster ensues.

What, did “Shillelagh McPotatofamine’s Olde Toyme Whiskey Doyve”close early?

The Fissure King