You forgot the part where said child pornography’s existence at your household was acknowledged, just not sought by you personally.
You forgot the part where said child pornography’s existence at your household was acknowledged, just not sought by you personally.
Late ‘90s, 16 year old me: “LETS DO A BURNOUT, IN REVERSE!” .... *drops clutch, reverse gear shatters into pieces* lol
Oh that poor Dodge Shadow Turbo..... Drove it for another 8 months with no reverse gear... just had to find a pull thru spot in a parking lot or park on the street for the most part. Did have to push…
Big deal - they removed the word, but they will still find that only a tall chick of Caucasian descent will skillfully “fit” the role & work within the company culture. Just like all the laws about equal employment opportunity. Unless you have a government contract or you are a complete idiot - you can can be as…
Pretty much. I really hope he does them anyway. Sure, it’ll mean he’s never asked back, but I think it would be worth it.
Lol it’s “F
ITFY”, not FTFY, and you didn’t need to cross out “design”. The sentence as is makes no sense. “Mostly thanks to its hideous”. You get a D- for the comment. The only reason you didn’t fail is because I agree it’s still hideous.
Kevin Johnson doesn’t make the list? Deadspin was all over the story and he’s still mayor of Sacramento.
He continues to both serve in the Arkansas House and operate a state-funded preschool, Growing God’s Kingdom.
After completing the necessary release paperwork, Giudice got into an awaiting car and drove away. Her destination is a mystery.
Not judging them, judging their parents based upon choices of names for them.
Subtle, but significant, difference.
Gee, in the 60’s, USAF Security Policemen (one of which was me) guarded planes in Vietnam (and other countries, including those with nukes) without all the “cool” monikers . People been doing this stuff for a long time. Nothing new here but people acting cool, which isn’t very new either, I guess. Sounds just a bit…
You seem to have confused the military equivalent of ‘mall cop’ with ‘elite soldier’. Not sure why you made that mistake, but no elite ground troop is ever going to confuse these guys with or as being one of their own.
Lol! Elite? I read each and every one of your stories here on foxtrotalpha, Tyler. Not trying to throw shade any which way except in the direction of “Ravens”...... But this one absolutely cracks me up!
presidential candidate and spasming poop derrick Donald Trump
In the middle of the property were a bulldozer and a backhoe, pushing against each other, in a redneck game of tug-of-war.
ahhh memories...
Your Cute Rhyming Hed Makes Me Wish You Were Dead