
I call BS on this one. It’s not about having multiple monitors; it’s about having enough information visible at any one time. Multiple monitors at $100/each is the least expensive route compared to a UHD monitor with enough screen real estate to see everything you need at one time.

You’ll get my 3 monitor development setup when you pry my cold, dead eyes off it.

I don’t think the point is to not take pictures but to have a good balance between using your camera and being in the moment. Because if all you’re doing is looking through the viewfinder, you should either get paid for it or just stay home and find a video of it online. I like taking pictures myself but I can’t stand

I’m tired of people telling me to stop taking pictures to enjoy things. The fact of the matter is I enjoy taking pictures and I enjoy seeing the pictures later and remembering whatever event it is. If anything it enhances the time for me and I don’t seem to have problems remembering my time at these events (even if I

My parents: “Ignore it and it will go away.”

Someone not only didn’t read the textbook, but he couldn’t be bothered to read the damn article before commenting on it. Plus telling instructors how they ought to teach, to boot. I bet he was just a joy to have as a student.

What I truly don’t understand is why the digital version costs as much as the physical version?

I’d..... wait for that letter, either way.

And everybody knows that mousing speed is crucial when editing Word documents or replying to email.

You do know, however, that the “ACA,” as written and adopted, was a Republican plan offered by Mitt Romney, and nowhere near what the Democrats actually wanted, right?

uBlock Origin.

No one ever told me this, but it happens to people over time. You probably need glasses. There are pretty obvious differences and improvements in that first picture, compared to the first game.

It’s a sequel. New stages, new weapons, new characters, new modes, new single player campaign... You know, sequel stuff.

Waterproofing has nothing to do with swimming pools.

I was unaware that people still took baths. Do you still heat up the bath water with a kettle too?

I have to turn on subtitles because all my illegal downloaded movies are voiced over in Chinese.

Seems like it’ll be a neat solution for collectors but I honestly just want these games on my Switch. SNES games are great on the 3ds. but they are a little hard to appreciate on the small screen. The Switch like the perfect device for SNES games - with the caveat that it still lacks a joypad. Hmm.

Cargo bike

I took a 20-year break from riding (the cause of which was mostly “living in Florida”) but since I now have a straight-line 4-mile commute across central Philadelphia for work I figured I’d save some train money and get in shape. I bought a hybrid Cannondale because I was admittedly told the added ruggedness would

So only unzip 3/4 of the way. Non-existent problem solved.

So only unzip 3/4 of the way. Non-existent problem solved.