
I really liked my speedcross’s too. I feel like the 4's are probably more durable than the 3's since the 3's have split lugs on the bottom compared to the 4's whole lugs. Either way, the rubber seems pretty soft on them. Great for grip, especially in mud, but I feel like it takes it’s toll on the durability of the

I really liked my speedcross’s too. I feel like the 4's are probably more durable than the 3's since the 3's have

I prefer Preme http://www.premeforwindows.com/ mainly because I didn’t have to pay for it. Then again I’m a cheapass, so take that how you will.

The links for both of the Mpow earphones are broken

The links for both of the Mpow earphones are broken

The code does not work for the foam roller

The code does not work for the foam roller