its an xbox one,of course it isnt selling well..
its an xbox one,of course it isnt selling well..
Only real option is NOT to buy this junk!
YEp,watched the whole thing and didnt cry!
the real tragedy is microsoft thinking anyone wants a slim xbox one..
Overwatch isnt a game for old ppl,its a games for 11 year old girls...any older than that and its just sad!
Looks like ill be playing black ops 3 for another year,until we get a boots on the ground COD!
Hope i can just buy modern warfare,I want nothing to do with infinate warfare...enough of this future crap! go back to boots on the ground!
The xbox one was made from 360 scraps..either way nobody wants the xboner..hope the xbox slim in june has better specs.
Delusional...and marco rubio can be president because he just won Puerto rico..
Lot of work to play an old 360 game...its sad this is all the x1 has.
its xbox one,nobody cares about that kiddie console
Who the hell cares!