Who Beefed?

That is literally not the plot to arachnophobia

And so are you, coming up with her being asexual and how they should deal with it when there’s no evidence that’s her deal.

“The story here isn’t that there is some secret cabal of neckbeards going around downvoting women-centric shows and movies”

You know, you are right. Orange is the New Black has an 8.1 rating among men and an 8.6 rating with women. I’m not sure this is a men vote down women’s shows thing or just that men don’t particularly like SATC. For which I can not particularly blame them

And Broad City, 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. All have very good scores with the majority of rating coming from men. The story here isn’t that there is some secret cabal of neckbeards going around downvoting women-centric shows and movies. The issue is that women are less likely to rate

If you have crappy shows like SATC or all the Shonda Rhimes dreck, you get crappy ratings, when you have good shows with one or more strong female leads, like Jessica Jones or OITNB, the difference between the average male vote and the average female vote is a lot smaller, pretty much like the average male/female

People aren't missing the point, they're saying the point is stupid. Which it is.

Today I am dismissing my lawsuit against Whole Foods Market. The company did nothing wrong. I was wrong to pursue this matter and use the media to perpetuate this story. I want to apologize to Whole Foods and its team members for questioning the company’s commitment to its values, and especially the bakery associate

Actually the $60 version of Overwatch on PC does come with additional content. This content is also included in the console version.

I really don’t get why people compare Overwatch and Battleborn. Overwatch is good and Battleborn is a chunky, almost stew-like diarrhea discharge.

This doesn’t change what I said. He mentions three aspects of the game. Two of which are gameplay but doesn’t talk about how they work.