whoarder is tellurium

Imagine watching TV with your family and a stray bullet struck someone special in your life. No answers. No reason. Just pure stupidity.

And yet every gun toting felon just giggles at that. Theyll get them if they want it bad enough.

Once dangerous people abuse that right, they should never be allowed firearms again.

You sir, are a dumb ass.

Naw, I don’t see the NRA condoning this in any form.

Why? You would be doing the world a favor by euthanizing versus neutering. Just turn their own guns on them. Better yet, handcuff them by the side of the road and drive by them emptying the guns into them. Isn’t that what they thought was cool? This is Jeffery Dahmer type of behavior for which there is no cure.

This is just a trick of viewing angles. The speeds of the jets as they go overhead are identical, one is not catching the other and the jet behind would have to have an almost impossible acceleration to catch the one in front to cause a collision in the space of this video.

The First Amendment guarantees the right to peaceably assemble for redress of grievances, but not employment by a NASCAR team. Your lawsuit will be about the minutia of contract or labor law, not heroic constitutional principles.

The vehicle in question is currently in the motor pool where it is being searched for unauthorized Mustang parts.

Who needs a 500hp truck? EVERYONE

Sheesh! You need some Haterade to wash down all those Hatertots

“Oh, that. Yeah, the Skipper flies it whenever he gets laid in port call.”

Structural engineer here. The fact that this is the largest of the 3 (apparent) braces running across the short axis of the car to stiffen the frame rails tells me it has the most load on it (yes real engineering-ish). I’m having a hard time orienting the pictures with each other but regardless: corners are always the

That’s what happens when someone forgets to lock the dieselgate.

I’m all for transgender people being allowed in the military, they are willing to do something that I’m not. They signed up to fight, I did not, and I respect them greatly for that. HOWEVER, I do not feel the government should have to pay for any cosmetic surgery or anything having to do with that surgery post-op.

Wake up and smell the apex seals, Dr. Freeman.

It’s the Half-Life 3 of automotive engineering.