I must be the only person around that adores this car. It’s beautiful and a HUGE turn around for Maserati as of late. I haven’t lusted after a Maser in decades, and never thought I would again... but here we are.
I must be the only person around that adores this car. It’s beautiful and a HUGE turn around for Maserati as of late. I haven’t lusted after a Maser in decades, and never thought I would again... but here we are.
Frank Stephenson is the best recent addition to YT. If you’re not already subscribed, I strongly recommend it. His videos are great.
I’m not outraged. Just pointing out the infallibility of BLM in the eyes of just about everyone. You are proving it by going straight to referencing white supremacy as being prevalent in order to justify BLM as beyond reproach.
You americans are always proud of being free and free speech and they a guy speaks his mind and hell broke loose. He may be or not a racist but I think he was talking about the justification of looting and destruction with BLM. BLM maybe be a genuine movement but there’s assholes with criminal behaviour who are…
To the contrary, questioning/criticizing/wishing death on Trump is encouraged and praised by most, and tolerated by nearly everyone. Hardly a comparison at all.
Question BLM at your peril. Doesn’t matter what they do, only what they purport to stand for. They could rape babies in broad daylight and you’d be called a racist for denouncing it. Unless you’re a minority yourself, in which case you’re a race traitor.
It’s not my fault the auto industry has stripped me of my optimism.
I missed the part where it’s going to be an active lifestyle crossover with an available EV version.
Have you ever driven a Corvette on a road course? Have you ever driven anything else on a road course to compare? I bet you have not. I take issue with your assertion that the Corvette has always been one of the most overrated cars on the road. By what measure? Because you don’t like them?
BLAH, I don’t want it then.
That is a candy apple, sir!
built in lollipop holder, nice.