whoarder is tellurium

I mean, is there any other use for a bumper???

Saw it in person.  Pretty much is everything you described.  Wife is looking forward to the S version toward the end of the year.

I...like it?

They somehow found the exact prick that you would imagine would buy an electric Cadillac.  So they hit the target demographic on the head.

Want to love it. Don’t love it. 

No, it doesn’t.

Not mine, but looks good

We’re going to pretend the sanctions being reinforced, the sales to the Ukrainians, and the attacks in Syria Vs Targets known to hold Russian soldiers are just not a thing, right? Because its easier to ignore facts that dont support your narrative.

Meanwhile Barry HUSSEIN Obama sat by and watched Russia literally invade and take over a large part of Ukraine... while dismantling the US Military and emboldening Russia and China to take their current aggressive stances. Who’s the pussy?

Really? He is pulling out of a big treaty and somehow he is still doing Putin’s bidding? You are nothing more than a propagandist parrot.