whoarder is tellurium

Rednecks with Paychecks is a huge offroad event held in North Texas. They have mud races and all sorts of special events. 


I also think there’s a perception that these guys are just rolling into Texas, jumping in their boats and wandering the land. Far from it.

I truly believe that ... I am pretty sure none of the folks getting rescued asked the folks who rescued them who they voted for.

Great post. Don’t forget it is also part of the urban bias against rural folks.

Yeah let’s shit all over volunteers, who are using their own resources and risking their own lives to go try and help people. Not to mention the fact that they’re answering a plea from law enforcement (the professionals, in other words) that asked anyone with a boat to come and help with search and rescue efforts.

Seriously... assembling a large, volunteer force to rescue people is “for better and worse”, because a guy helping people dares to mention he heard gunfire... and right after that they crosspost an article telling journalists to stop shaming looters.

Should be noted that not all volunteers with boats are the Cajun Navy. Yes they are in the area and seem to overall help, but there are PLENTY more volunteers with boats doing the same thing. There’s a large group from the Lufkin/ Nacogdoches area that have been there since Sunday working crazy long hours.


“We got a lot of people wanting to know if we can bring our guns down there,” Cain said on Facebook, before adding, not entirely reassuringly, “We’re here to rescue people, not shoot anybody.”

Fuck Gawker, fuck Eric Shilling, fuck CNN. I’m here, I’ve seen these things happen. I’m on these boats. You’re actually trying to detract from the people pulling out flood victims? You deserve your own special place in hell.

I’ll hazard a guess that many in the Army National Guard are not skilled seamen.

Please, let’s crap on volunteers risking themselves in order to save people from their flooded homes and cars. Maybe they were shot at, maybe they weren’t. That doesn’t and shouldn’t diminish their efforts in at a very dire time where it’s literally all hands on deck to help.

“We’ll probably never know, though it’s fair to say that Cain, for one, should probably stop talking about it, since his interview with CNN and subsequent Facebook live post seemed to only add fuel to the chaos on the ground, in a situation where some people probably already have itchy trigger fingers.”

This is all just so unbelievable and heartbreaking.

I kinda wish Jalopnik and it’s associated sites could break off and become independent. Everything else on the banner peddles mindless leftist TRASH.

But they are written with passion and a love of the subject. The rest of the articles seemingly have turned into bitchy, passive aggressive bullshit with little care or love for the subjects.

Honestly, the writing on Jalopnik has become fucking awful. Bitchy trashy bullshit that makes the website like an entertainment gossip website or some such shit.

Woah, don’t let facts get in the way of everyone hating Lewis. That’s what jalopnik is for!

He didn’t say there shouldn’t be a safety car, just questioned why the VSC wasn’t used. It was a perfect example of when the VSC should be used. There was minimal debris and with a long lap it could easily have been cleared under a VSC.