
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. They’re basically weaponized hostages.

I really object to the term “suicide bomber” when a person is forced to set off a bomb that was strapped to their body. We have to come up with another term. They are victims, too.

Dang it, this was gonna be an Adequate Man post, but I decided not to sit on it over the weekend. Gotta get these laundry takes out while they’re hot.

Oh, so you thought you’d save your laundry takes for the ladies’ website? Good one, PIG.

a sex nap

Ugh I know, it's the worst. It's like one day I looked in the mirror and look tired and never looked rested again. Getting older sucks! You know what else sucks? Having crows feet and pimples on the sane face. Is there no justice in the world?!

I don’t care enough to compare the songs, but I have to say that we’ve reached the point where a lot of songs now are going to going to be compared to a lot of the songs that have already been written. Everyone is building upon every song that has been written before them.

Sorry that happens for you. It’s the other side of the depression coin for me. Once i learned they were panic attacks they kind of went away but depression is a long term companion. SSRIs don’t really help and I wont go down the benzo road so I’ve just learned that sometimes I’m going to feel really hopeless and have

I want to buy Peter Jonsson and that other student some mozzarella sticks. Good for them for doing the right thing and intervening.

This story is not helping my inherent bias against dudes named BROCK.

Remember, sports is the apotheosis of a young man’s life, the pinnacle of his achievements after which all remainder of his sad, sad life will be but an utter disappointment, as man is no longer permitted to use his youthful and supple physique to plunge repeatedly into the water and, floating effortlessly, surprise

At that age, my best friend genuinely believed a person could grow up to be a cartoon character. Not to voice one or draw them, but to actually BE one. He didn't want to because he thought being repeatedly hit with anvils and whatnot would be terrible, but he thought it was a real option.

Our cat died when my daughter was 4. I let her touch him and then watch as we buried him in the back yard and had a little funeral for him. She was so confused. She kept asking if he would come back. Even now at almost 6, she sometimes asks where he is and what happened to him. The permanence of death is really a

“I’ve joked before that children are like sociopaths until you teach them not to be”

There is a certain sub-set of vegans that feed their children such things. At my son’s pre-school one of the little hippies who lived on seaweed and boiled eggs bit him so hard on his arm during story time that the bite caused a huge bruise through two layer of shirts. The mom tried to say that my meat loving son must

I’ve joked before that children are like sociopaths until you teach them not to be and obviously that’s not true but it is true that empathy, compassion, boundaries, and stuff like “right” versus “wrong” are all things that kids learn in time. The girls in this story will hopefully have the guidance they need to

First off - the fact that this man has no empathy and is clearly a narcissist is one thing. But can we please acknowledge that he can not even speak about “women” or “women’s issues” without talking as if he’s speaking to men about them? By that, I mean he will keep saying “I’m gonna be so good for women. Women love

Morning drink, anyone?

“You know how politicians are. He has not really learned that — he’s not a politician.”

My mom did this. Carefully cultivated backyard of native tall grass, wildflowers, and indigenous trees to replace the mesquite grove the previous owner had cut down. It was gorgeous and clearly well maintained.