@gruvejet: Hopefully she wasn't 11 pounds, 12 ounces.
@gruvejet: Hopefully she wasn't 11 pounds, 12 ounces.
@Leonick: Actually, not true. The cameras in some HTC devices (Desire, Nexus One) are actually capable of 720p but have been software-crippled to a lower resolution.
I can't believe how snippy and craggy people get simply about hearing others talk on the phone.
@Denver: Notice, kindly, that the Giz folks were much more sensitive about an image much less shocking.
How much for the version that doesn't require a human?
Why haven't we been informed of this?
@SkaHimself: i call this one blue steel
In related news, the U.S. unemployment rate continues to climb.
@JosephCole: Shazbot!
Wow, totally Gizmodo 'Behind the Music.'
@leaverus: You have to admit, though, it's the perfect accent for the concrete brick and steel locker motif.
Classy move, ladies. Nice of you to out the guy in the elevator by name because you can't deal with the (obvious) repercussions of leaving your network open.
BTW the Big Bite hot dogs are Mafia Wars. Obv.
From the people who brought you SubRoc-3D.
Apparently some of the newer HTC phones like the Nexus One have this capability, but are crippled from the factory. The videos I've seen are good but not great, but that could be said of the HTC Evo which does include 720p video recording.
Please breathe in that — direction. Thank you.
The Kin cried out for a monthly, pay-as-you-go plan. Two years is an eternity when you're 14 and a bit much for kids (or parents) to commit to.
Please don't try this, but how long *does* it take for one of these to blind someone? Instantly?
@owais.ilyas: :( :( Didn't do squat on my FRF72 T-Mobile N1.
@92BuickLeSabre: Absolutely correct. We can use stories like these to draw conclusions about police everywhere.