
The Tesla dealership in Menlo Park has one sitting in the window.


Porsche has a free 'badge delete' option for factory orders, though I've read there's no way to delete the überdumb "P O R S C H E" badging. If someone doesn't know a Porsche is a Porsche, they just don't care.

I'm American, so I can't count high enough to tally the mistakes in your remarkably ignorant and error-filled attempt at a post.

Honestly, I don't know what the point of having such a small camera when the optics are still relatively large and heavy. What good does a small, light box do stuck on the end of a big, heavy lens?

If you ride a bike and want to listen to music, just put in one earbud. I tend to ride with just my right earbud in, leaving my left ear unencumbered to hear the sounds of traffic.

The park boxes cost about $6,000 each. They are funded and managed by a non-profit organization, that is in turn funded by merchants in the South of Market/Yerba Buena neighborhood. It's a real example of the community having an idea and putting their money where their mouth is.

Handing your phone to someone is one thing, but losing control of your phone is another. I'm a cab driver who has found — and returned — countless phones left by shit-faced bastages in my back seat. Trust me when I tell you that not all cab drivers are like me. The last thing you want getting passed around a bunch of

My favorite flavor has always been xhtml, where you could create tags with *meaningful* names and define their properties in css. It solved the problems with nested and cascading divs in modern desings.

The dime is the new penny.

What's sad is that the biggest innovation in commercial aviation in my lifetime might end up being unnecessarily invasive passenger screening.

The Lasonic boxes deserve mention. Though they were derivative and not up to the quality standards of JVC, Aiwa and others, they were over the top in terms of gaudy appearance, features and sheer size.

@Eruanno: Now, now. Let's try to maintain an air of civility.

Who makes the phone in the picture? I haven't seen it before. Looks like an old SE P990 with Android and a larger screen crammed inside.

Paul Krugman's insultingly hyperbolic monicker spits in the face of anyone who has lost a loved one to an actual natural disaster. With "Bloomberg's Katrina," Krugman showcases the delusional self-importance New York and many New Yorkers place on themselves.

@Sprzout: Neither of the scenarios you mention have anything at all to do with net neutrality.

@Tills13: 2.3 update for the N1 will hit the Interwebs soon after Nexus S is released. Nexus S needed to be the first Gingerbread phone. LOL.