
I think that bans the entire Seattle area...

Neither the Rams nor the Seahawks scored into double digits. At least the Lions and Titans scored touchdowns.

Is this an example of what you mean:


bay area + 3 hellas + 16 yr old salesman = independant medical marijuana salesman

This whole thing is reflective of a larger problem we have in the United States: that people will take professional sports players to task about their opinions on this country, but (currently) FORTY FUCKING ONE percent of voters have no problem with a hateful Internet comment troll leading our country into the next

I’ll say what I essentially said a few days back: if you are upset with what Colin Kaepernick is doing, but you’re OK with what Donald Trump stands for, then maybe #YouAreTheFuckingProblem.

Because the mosquitoes were all like “dayum!

You know, this is one of my favorite things, watching all of these countries walking in. It may be corny but I just get all excited seeing how the whole world can get together and do this one thing. Even though it’s often an economic fuck up for the sponsoring cities. It’s just cool watching all these fabulous

Okay #realtalk for a second.

I want to put a smiley face sign in my window that indicates me as a emergency, respite child care mom. You? Go take a shower by yourself. Walk through a quiet library. Me? I’ll feed your kid muffins and have them run in the back yard until they are too tired to sass.

That’s how I felt a few weeks ago at Weezer/Panic at the Disco. Apparently Panic’s fanbase I’d all 15 year-olds and I was like you people were toddlers when this song came out, HOW ARE YOU FANS OF THIS BAND????? It’s not like they’re some great band that has stood the test of time. That I could understand.

No, because I am beyond over her and her husband. And yes, even RILEY! (I don’t really like kids anyway.)

Full Frontal and Last Week Tonight are both miles better than modern TDS.

Thank you! I also had trouble getting enough milk for my daughter and I was terrified because the online world had basically informed me that formula fed babies were freaks of nature and that she’d have a 1000 things wrong with her. I remember getting so angry that I posted a picture of my adorable six month old

Totally agree and I am so sorry you had to go through all that. Countless women formula fed their children. If it wasn’t safe, there would be no Gen-X group of 60 million. They were largely given formula as their mothers joined the work force. The whole “argument” is absurd.

Anyone who says that baby formula hasn’t been proven safe can have that argument with my fist.

I don’t know. I don’t think we can do anything to change it. Let’s just throw out the country and start over. We can just take another one. We’re good at that-what has brown people and good farming land? You know what-we’ll just invade a few and decide once we’ve tried them.

we must, we must, we must increase our bust.