“I will have to get better at holding my tongue and holding my temper,” he added.
“I will have to get better at holding my tongue and holding my temper,” he added.
Dana Carvey looks amazing. That is all.
Well hell will warm you up >:(
This game was the battle for the division, and for the driver's seat for homefield advantage.
I DON'T KNOW!!! And I always WANT to put my own cream and sugar in! I DON'T WANT SOMEONE GETTING IT WRONG. I KNOW BEST WHAT I LIKE.
The expired Chinese meat scandal apparently extends a lot further than initially thought.
No matter what you’ve heard lately, bunnies are not making a comeback. And if they are posing with Cara Delevingne,…
Totally agreed! My rabbit was a wild one when she was a baby, but no more destructive or out of control than a kitten or puppy- just an untrained animal with tons of energy. I was able to spend a ton of time socializing and training her, and now she uses the litter box and is very friendly to everyone. She can play in…
Add the raspberry-eating bunny and you've got the cutest, fuzziest fruit salad EVAR!
Yeah. I find this whole thread depressing. Rabbits are defintely not for everyone, but for the right people, they are amazing pets. (She says as one of her rabbits uses her as a jungle gym.)
Welp, if there was any question about the popularity of Michael Sam's 7th round draft pick to the NFL, it seems to…
How cute, nose rubs to Mr. Mango! :3
Sigh. As a (pet!) rabbit lover I find this depressing. I know I'm a hypocrite because I eat other kinds of meat and pigs are as smart as my dog and so on, but how many of you would clutch your pearls if this was a billboard covered in cats? Because in my experience, rabbits are better pets than cats. They're cuter,…