
“I will have to get better at holding my tongue and holding my temper,” he added.

Dana Carvey looks amazing. That is all.

Well hell will warm you up >:(

Why are 3 (!) women wearing fur? Is this real? Didn't we decide as a culture that that's cruel/vile/shameful?

This game was the battle for the division, and for the driver's seat for homefield advantage.

I need to find some gifs.

the most important star of the week

I DON'T KNOW!!! And I always WANT to put my own cream and sugar in! I DON'T WANT SOMEONE GETTING IT WRONG. I KNOW BEST WHAT I LIKE.

Totally agreed! My rabbit was a wild one when she was a baby, but no more destructive or out of control than a kitten or puppy- just an untrained animal with tons of energy. I was able to spend a ton of time socializing and training her, and now she uses the litter box and is very friendly to everyone. She can play in

she looks like a distant relative of my lil Harriet! She's not nearly as menacing as this photo suggests. It's hard to be mean-spirited when your name is a pun.

If my bunny, yours and Whowantsamangos' hooked up they'd be a Strawberry & Mango Pye!

Add the raspberry-eating bunny and you've got the cutest, fuzziest fruit salad EVAR!

I mean that bunny is cute and all, but she's no Ms. Cleo. Ms. Cleo lounges. She's also on a strict diet of all the cords in this photo.

Yeah. I find this whole thread depressing. Rabbits are defintely not for everyone, but for the right people, they are amazing pets. (She says as one of her rabbits uses her as a jungle gym.)

How cute, nose rubs to Mr. Mango! :3

Sigh. As a (pet!) rabbit lover I find this depressing. I know I'm a hypocrite because I eat other kinds of meat and pigs are as smart as my dog and so on, but how many of you would clutch your pearls if this was a billboard covered in cats? Because in my experience, rabbits are better pets than cats. They're cuter,