Right? I want nexplanon so i made an appointment with my doctor who then told me i had to go to a different clinic and she would send the referral over.
Right? I want nexplanon so i made an appointment with my doctor who then told me i had to go to a different clinic and she would send the referral over.
This times 1,000!
I do this and just put away the stuff that’s too big for baby at the moment. I also shop this super awesome consignment store. I can’t justify spending $15 baby jeans when the consignment store has them for like $2
Take the stool softener, it helped. I tried to poop without one. Huge mistake
I think it took me a week to have a good BM.
That first poop, man i cried.
This was me! I rarely wore a shirt during my leave. Shirts only came on when people dropped by or we needed to run to the supermarket
A fucking men!
My little one was freaking out last night so my husband tried this. It worked but I found it funny he had seen the video on his own.
My baby is only three weeks old but im starting the hunt for childcare, a little late though but its hard! Luckily i have my mom and mother in law to help on weekends and my husband has 3 days off so i can work it where i only need childcare 2 days a week.
I agree once they figure out how to open the fridge for food and lug hay bales around we are toast!
I book appointments and need to make sure I get the correct spelling of names to verify insurance and look up records. Why do people insist on calling while they are driving with crazy ass background noise and then get frustrated when I make them repeat themselves or spell out their names? WHY?
My brother in law is like this. It took forever for my sister to get him to even eat chicken teriyaki and when he would come over for holiday dinners he wouldn’t touch any of it He eat is now but there are still foods he won’t eat.
You are right bunnies are assholes. I spent the weekend nursing mine back from a stomach hate and for a few days afterwards he would lunge at me and try to bite. Was his little fluffy ass grateful I saved it! NOPE!
My bunny gets kicked in the head all the time! He likes to tickle feet with his whiskers and circle around them when you stand up cause he's a fat ass and thinks you are getting up to get him a treat. It doesn't faze him at all either.
google a bunny named Koko. There's a video/gif of her ripping off the bars. My bunny is so good at jumping that I always think of training him but he's also a little asshole and would just rip the bars off and just sit there.
Yeah this not the first time this has happened with the bikini baristas and frankly most of them make terrible coffee.
I crave them like crazy right before my period.