This is what I told my sister... I was like shouldn't we be slightly more upset about her using POC as props and how it just seems to be a huge joke that the rest of us are not in on.
This is what I told my sister... I was like shouldn't we be slightly more upset about her using POC as props and how it just seems to be a huge joke that the rest of us are not in on.
How has no one mentioned that awfully awesome pink chandelier!?
I too like Henry Cavill! Yay Birthday Soulmate, the only other person I met with the same date was a boy in high school and he didn't think having the same date as all that interesting.
He got it at a Fred Meyer - which is a Kroger Dept Store. I think the tag says Love by Design.
Thank you!
Thank you! Bunnies are awesome!
Birthday Twins!
I work with an Eye Doctor and help fit glasses plus having my very own rabbit I've become obsessed with anything bunny related.
Woo Hoo! I'm 28 today. The doctor at work said that I look more like 22 than 28 and my other co worker said 16. I know they are both lying through their teeth but ya know what I'll take it... now to silence that stupid biological clock that keeps ticking faster and faster.. But the coworker that said I look 16 bought…
His Namesake!
Dance Central 3 has Da Butt as one of the songs to dance too, I have to admit it is so much fun shaking the booty
So have I! I love that movie so much.
Yes I do. The lyrics just give me the heebie jeebies and just don't sit well with me at all and that is both versions.
I would never be allowed to go to bunny island. The spouse would be afraid of me taking them all home..... Mango (my adorable bun) and I are currently working him over into letting us go wife hunting for him.
I must have this! I live on a river and it would be perfect!
The one where Eric somehow manages to disguise himself as the couch and then jumps up to scare Topanga and Angela ( I think or was that Rachel?)
My bunny is currently in a turf war with my husband, he leaves four or five little poops in his favorite spot way from his litter box and every day my husband scoops them up and makes a point of throwing back in the box and says these go here! Mango, just looks at him like whatever dude.
At my work we used to have this really racist guy that would come. I guess the first time he came in he started saying a whole bunch of anti Semitic rants and my manager almost kicked him out. (which was rare since she was such a pushover Still is) The first time he saw me he asked me a whole bunch of questions about…