
Last night I bought a bottle of cake flavored Vodka well because I like cake and I like Vodka. I came across a recipe to make an adult cake batter milk shake using the vodka, vanilla ice cream and milk. It was sooo good.

I haven't read them and while Jennifer's blog makes me want to read them I can't fathom spending $30.00 on all three books when I can spend that $30 on new music or gas or even books that are well written.

I love her blog. I hope she does the second and third ones.

Major thunderstorm. I live in the middle of nowhere and the power goes out frequently. We have a generator but I unplugged the extension cord that brought the power into the house and it would have required a ladder to hook it up. AND I DO NOT DO LADDERS. :)

Thank you. I'm just happy the power came back on before it got too dark.

Yay my power is back on and now I get to spend saturday night with all of you.

Yup, my bunny ate the only mango colored button on our remote after learning that the bowl of mangoes I was munching on was empty.

Kind of. They are jumps where he kind of twists his little body in the air and lands all funn. Kind of like this bunny I found on you tube. I can never catch Mango's binkies on camera.

Welcome to Costco, I love you.

I am way too exhausted to go out tonight, all I wanna do is go home pop out my contacts and go to sleep.

Yes. Please spill I just got an iphone today.

I enjoyed it. It is a silly sex comedy, really, really, silly. There is this song in it that's just so catchy it gets stuck in your head.

Eurotrip. During the summer I turned 19 we watched that movie almost every weekend. I own a copy of it and I still have to watch it when its on HBO.

Actually they woke up at four am for work and the food I made them put them both into food comas.

My mom and sister came up to spend the day with me and right now both of them are sitting next to me snoring. I guess I'm THAT boring.

my picture won't show up. :( let me try again

Mango the bunny would love that set up and your guineas. When we got him he was living with a guinea and I think he misses the poor creature. My husband bought a stuffed hedgehog that was the same size as the guinea and Mango loves to groom it.

Mango sitting on top of his house. What type of bunny is Tim Bunn?

This fluffy little creature is currently running around my feet and using his whiskers to tickle them to death. He is also my date tonight until my husband comes home.