
I learned a lot from this video — the solution to all of capitalism's ills is to dress like caricatures of native Americans and throw doves into a jungle.

I'm not sure if I'm qualified to comment on it — my byline now includes 'was called a misogynist on the AVC comments section by none other than Marc Maron!' — but I really enjoyed 'The First Bad Man.'
Miranda July's first novel has been unduly called out as being too 'quirky' or 'whimsical', but I felt that it struck

[I did an offense!]

only bad thing about that guy is the new monicker

As of this comment, each episode has an average of 110 views. A third of one of those is me.
Great! Job! Inter!net!

If nothing else, your recap was worth my clicking on this article in the first place.
I could barely make it through the 'series' 'trailer'

Isn't Hitler also the main villain in one of the more recent SMT titles?

Watermark the Hedgehog-senpai

Edited because I just rewatched this scene, and my previous response wasn't true: you see a shot of cockroaches on underwear, and then Crispin Glover doing a weird storkwalk. The relation is just explained in voiceover.
Wild at Heart is definitely worth it, even if just for all the intentional scenery-chewing Nick Cage

Naw that's Eraserhead

And yet I still always scroll down and have a look after reading my news in the morning.
At this point, I think it provides a nice healthy blood pressure spike along with my coffee

I feel like this about punk too — it's not like jazz or hip-hop, where I can essentially 'read up' on what I'm missing out on in terms of music theory or 'story-behind-the-song' stuff. It's like the whole cultural-aesthetic center of punk is something you can't learn to appreciate.

Yeah for some reason I was under the impression that this movie was a loose Bradbury adaptation. No dice, though —

The review's description of the background art as "greyhound bus seats" is way too apt.

A friend introduced me to a great drunk activity awhile ago — just google-image-search "____ the hedgehog" (any name will do), and laugh at all the terrible wish-fulfillment fan art that you'll find.

The Main! And both, sadly, suffer from chronic overhype — Schwartz's moreso, if only because the around-the-block line most days is a bit of buzzkill. They're great spots but they don't benefit from the rapturous recommendations they're afforded in almost every website or tourism guide.

Come on Captain Holt, you're not the target audience.

iirc, this book 'came out' during the great mid-2000s deluge of self-consciously whimsical half-assedly-illustrated attempts to create the literary equivalent of Wes Anderson movies. Aka 'the McSweeneys Era'

I still read this twice yearly, mainly because I can read it in roughly two sittings. When I first encountered it in Middle School, though, it gave me permanent Confusions during the Ancient Sumerian unit in history class.

'potential' child star, in the same way that all those lovely toddlers in tiaras will totally be famous if their moms would just try a little harder.