
wow it's like a reddit novelty account! All the way over here! Can i take my picture with you and then promptly forget about it?

I think I'll keep this on all night. I am soothed by the continuing existence of walruses.

Holy cats! A nuts person on the internet!

I love me some Miyazaki, but that awful 4-chord ukulele nonsense just wrecked the video for me.

The fact that I went and saw Kingsman at the theatre — a place I go, like, 5 times a year, tops — made me finally lose faith in Rotten Tomatoes ratings. It got an 80 or something, but was just a torrent of unrelenting pap. I was pretty close to walking out during the church massacre scene.

downton is an unqualified 'good'?

vacations from what?

I really like how this guy's career has evolved. It's strange, having grown up with some of the earlier Hertzfeldt shorts, to see the founding father of 'random penguin fedora guy' humor move toward thoughtful, ponderous—but still deeply funny—film work.

I would actually watch something along these lines: A kind of shitty-car-culture version of trailer-park boys set in an Eastern European backwater.

un f-f-f-f-f-f-frickin' believable, these kids

rip assetbar.

Robby also synthesizes some dang fine whiskey, if I remember correctly

Time "The Toole Time" Timelor in "Galaxy Quest." Based on faint and drunken recollections, it was an 'okay film'.

Dammit I just ate supper come on

Too bad we can't send Dave Wallace to these things anymore.

But if you do it right, you're an artist

No beer AND that creepy chipmunk woman under the radiator?

I'd rather watch peggysfeet.com — That rotting jack-o-lantern is hard to beat.

same goes for poor ol' Stewart.

I have a google news alert set for 'Jonathan Goldstein Sex Scandal'. Every day I check it, let out a sigh of relief, and continue with my day.