
Is this one dong shaped too?

If you have to wonder - you are not ready for a dog.

I work in Quality/Regulatory in the biotech industry, and trust me, some of the crap businesses try to pull would make your hair curl. The FDA certainly isn’t perfect, but they are the only safeguard we the public has against bad actors that choose profit and ego over safety and efficacy.

To be fair to the fascist traitor, he always looks like shit

I hope he feels every bit of fear that the 200K+ Americans who needlessly died from this virus felt.

And it’s probably only going to get crazier the closer we get to November, and the worse the rights prospects look. Hold onto your butts everybody.

Warren, hopefully.

The producers have been playing the long game. They guided the show along until engagement was mandatory, and then waited for a moment like this, when someone just wants to date, and bam! Big drama!

At least they wait until they get into the bathroom. In my office, a couple of the men just hork away at their cubicles. 

I have a solution: sit while peeing. There, solved it!

If you think about it, American toileting practice leaves much to be desired and is significantly behind many other places in the world. If you got poo on your hand, would you simply wipe it off with a dry bit of paper? No. So why do we do that with our bum holes? And this is supposed to be an advanced country...

Can confirm. I’m a younger female engineer in an office full of old white guys. They feel very personally threatened by #metoo. 

That was Boston Scientific... but yeah, shady as hell. 


The FLOOF!!! 

We have Arya Stark, also known as Her Royal Highness The Regal Flufferbutt.

Clean up your weak arguments, you come off as a troll.


Hi! Fellow senior level QE here. I’ve had the same problems with suppliers getting offended that a woman had the nerve to question them. My male bosses had no such issues.

I’m an engineer, and I took my first post collage job as the economy and job market was just starting to crawl out of the toilet in 2012. I was hired at the same time as a guy who was also a recent grad. We both had engineering degrees, but due to said economy we were admittedly over qualified for the technician jobs