
I used to drive GA 400 every day. Somehow I survived. Not sure how though.

Profits first, then people. All “isms” suck.

I’m with you on that assault on Washington!

Agreed. I’ll soon be 65 and have never seen anything like this. I wish if this were going to happen it would’ve happened when I was younger and more resilient.

The peace sign from the backseat kept them all safe

Welcome Toni. I like your writing style!

I remember the days when just operating the vehicle was distraction enough. Manual steering, no power assist on drum brakes, mechanical clutch, non-synchro transmission and so on. I wonder where those distractions would fall on the above list...

I have yet to see any “ism” that works for the good of the people

Profits first, people last has always been my complaint with capitalism.

Reminds me of an old saying: “Measure it with a micrometer, mark it with a grease pencil, cut it with an axe, pound to fit and paint to match”

Don’t sugar coat it, man !!

The technical term is “percussive maintenance” and the layman’s term is “whomp the bejeebers out of it”

What’s this about not eating things that are on fire? Who knew? Thanks for the tip! Sincerely, Burnt-Lips McGee.

1st Gear: My local Chevy dealer sent me an email saying they would drive a vehicle to my house for a test drive!

What street in Atl. was this on?

Larry Kudlow is such a leaker!

I remember getting an 80 column card for my Apple II+ - PR#3 was the command to switch back and forth between 40 and 80 columns. That info plus $1.29 will get you a small coffee at the QuikTrip but you’re on your own for the sales tax.

Perhaps a cash for clunkers program could get rid of a lot of vehicles with Trump / Pence bumper stickers on them?

Neutral: I can see a time when the Big Three are consigned to the dustbin of history.

I remember when they tore up all the trolley car tracks in Minneapolis and went to buses. My grandad started out as a streetcar driver and then became a bus driver