
Thanx for the tip - I’ve been trying to find some use for my depression.


Now playing

I think this one would make everyone else’s experiences pale in comparison

Drove a friend’s 350Z and had the same experience...

I remember (not fondly) growing up in Minneapolis and walking a mile and a half to high school weather notwithstanding. And no it wasn’t uphill both ways so don’t ask. When it was 20 below and windy (so long ago they hadn’t yet invented windchill) we had to walk backwards just so we could breathe. My feet would thaw

Hupmobile. (too soon?)

I believe that one is in the public domain....

Boomer here and I mostly agree with you except the part about Trump -

It was...

“And there’s hamburger all over the highway in Mystic, Connecticut” - Firesign Theatre

As the former owner of a ‘65 Dodge Dart (225 slant six, three-on-the-column), I concur.

No mention of intermittent steering?

No need to apologize.....now, “Busch” league on the other hand...just kidding

Not to be pedantic, but that should be “taut” suspension.

You just made my Christmas with that comment!

I bought my youngest son one of these for Christmas in 1984 when he was three years old. He was delighted!

Back in ought seventy five we still had the attention span to plow through this marketing blurb.....

This never happened at a Foghat concert (as far as I know)

Still have fond memories of my 1971 RX-2.

Thanks for the article. Jochen Rindt was my favorite driver of all time. I was 15 when he died and I stopped watching racing for a while after that.