
As if folks in the military don’t have enough problems nowadays post service. I was in the Navy in the 70's and performed maintenance, not on vehicles, but on computers. We had no restrictions on what we could do and the only time we called upon a manufacturer’s rep is when we couldn’t fix something ourselves, which

The drugs they use for the procedure are the best!!

Former RX-2 owner here - would love to see an RX-9

I used to lock my vehicles. However, I had everything stolen out of one vehicle that I had locked. Then three months later, my locked vehicle was stolen and stripped. They’re easier to break into, even when locked, than you might imagine.

Astounds me that while people go on and on about the 2nd amendment they don’t even notice their 4th amendment rights have been stripped away...too sad

I started out in mainframes in the early seventies including machine language programming. I remember using newsgroups in the early nineties and I also remember Fidonet, etc.

If only they would have had Matthew McConnaughey behind the wheel...

Why yes, yes we are!

And even if he loses - he will refuse to leave office.

That’s what I’ve always wondered, too...

I rode a friend’s CBX back in the early eighties. It was quick - but obviously a bit front-heavy. He said he was gonna sell it before it needed valve adjustment.

No love for the inline 7's ?

All brilliant.... no prune barges or zeppelin tenders though?

Life under capitalism - profits over people. Now I don’t propose to have a better system but hey...

I never have been able to afford a lifestyle

1983 was a very smoky year...

I was fed in engine noise as a kid...

You beat me to the good advices...

If anyone would know it would be you. What vehicle’s nickname was “The Walrus Indignator”?