OK Boomer here - way back in the day V12's and V16's claim to fame was being able to launch from a dead stop in high gear. Pretty good trick for a V8
OK Boomer here - way back in the day V12's and V16's claim to fame was being able to launch from a dead stop in high gear. Pretty good trick for a V8
I’ve got this old Hoyt-Klagwell....
Don’t underestimate what a new design cigarette lighter could do for a car back then...
I believe so. I worked on 18 bit CPUs in the 70's but there was nothing micro about them
Back in that time frame we had LSD and shrooms to improve the video experience - so don’t feel too badly for us.
What is the least you’ve ever sold a vehicle for? My record is twenty six cents ( 25 cents plus 4% sales tax) to a friend in need. Vehicle was a 1966 Belair 4 door, 283, 3 on the column.
I’m so damned old I remember when vans were only for phone installers...
That’s the spirit, young person! You don’t have to get off my lawn...
Seems more useful than my 67 Chevy DVD rewinder
I’m a boomer and I maintain it is all our fault!
4th Gear: “The parts, electric transistors,”. Electric transistors, you say? What other kind of transistors are there? Inquiring minds and all that...
I drove one of these, fell in love with it, had my checkbook in hand, and the sellere’s wife decided no, they would rather keep it. <sigh>
I had a ‘94 Cutlass Supreme i bought with 115,000 miles and rolled to 340,000 miles. Not a bad car at all...
Hispano Suiza 8-AB I used to build a lot of WWI airplane models as a kid (mainly for the glue) but the Hispano Suiza airplanes motors were the best!
I have the same problem with Chevrolets go figure...
Sad day when that ever existed, let along have to go to the Supreme Court to be overturned. This war on drugs is just an excuse to make criminals of us all (every government’s wet dream and ultimate goal).
Ajax 502's? I heard a set of those one time and it put Bach, Beethoven and Mozart to shame
Right On!
I always gave them a pass - just soap operas in newsprint really