
Real Music! Hot damn..

I’m looking for a 200% autonomous vehicle that will drive itself to work and then do my job for me. It will also need to consume a lot of coffee and insult my boss as well.

I agree with you - we are the shittiest generation. And to think we were raised by the “greatest generation” who survived the depression and WWII. I don’t know what went wrong with us. I used to have a lot of talks with my Dad on that subject.

As a boomer myself, I tend to agree with you. I am probably more disgusted with my generation than you are.

I remember this issue. Just two short years after that we had flying cars.

Perhaps something was lost in translation, but “like a mentor” is hopefully different from “a mentor”.

Would they happen to have an Etch-A-Sketch division as well?

As a lib myself (and a six plus year military veteran) who lives in Georgia, (blue dot in a red sea) , I show more tolerance for my conservative friends’ opinions than they do for mine. Please don’t paint all us libs with the brush of intolerance - there’s plenty of intolerance to go around on both sides.

My prediction - in just a few years pickup trucks will be six door with 1 1/2 ft beds. I’m so outta touch with reality my full size pickups have always been standard cab long bed.

All hail TMBG!! Have you ever seen them live? Best concert I ever went to.

I see a new show for the Discovery Channel here. “Gas Pumping Oregonians”

Glovebox temp looks within normal range....

Dang - that beats my story of driving 50 miles with a cup of coffee on my bumper (ceramic cup and coffee were both still there when I arrived at my destination).

For upshifting, you let off the throttle, pull the gear lever into neutral, apply slight pressure against the next gear, and when the gear speeds match the lever will slot into the next gear. For downshifting, slightly increase the engine speed with slight pressure on the gear lever and again when the gear speeds

I taught both my sons how to shift (up and down) without the clutch - they both caught on very well. In my early years I had driven crashboxes (non-synchro) and had to learn double clutch and no clutch shifting.

You are correct. I am 62 and have been driving manual transmissions for a very long time. In fact, clutch mechanisms used to be mechanical not hydraulic and it just about took two left legs to operate them. The only advantage was that it was much easier to modulate the friction point (called “bite” in the video) than

Had a 2006 Colorado with 2.8 and 5 spd. Great vehicle and no problems. Had 230,000 miles on it and gave it to my grandson when he got his learners permit

I suspected as much..

It has surely become a bad thing to have a brain. I admire folks who don’t have one - life must be so much easier for them.