I’ve spent almost 50 years soldiering on with amateur grade vehicles - I wouldn’t know how to act with a professional grade one...
As a previous owner of a 1971 RX-2, I wish Mr. Yamamato fair winds and following seas.
Many years ago when my vehicle was totaled in a wreck, the insurance company put me in a Buick LeSabre for a week. The “where are your plaid bermuda shorts?” jokes got old very quickly.
“It’s Just a Ride”... amen brother! I also recommend Emo Philips
Now that I’m 62, I can look back and remember what a doofus I was at age 54. In all fairness, I still am but at least can still remember eight years ago
I usually just give ‘em the old peace sign and go on my way
My friend Ken had an ‘86 turbo with the dual fuel gauges. Also it had the voice option. When the main gauge got down to 1/4 a nice Asian lady would warn you “low fuel”. He would explain to people when the 2nd gauge got all the way to “E” a Jewish lady would say “I told you so”.
This happened on Tuesday, right?
My father-in-law was a innocent casualty of a high speed chase back in 1980. He got t-boned at an intersection by the pursued vehicle which ran a stop sign at 90 mph.
To ameliorate some of the damage here.... and in case there’s any Fireheads here...
I spent many years driving GA 400 - not for the faint of heart. Only one near death experience per week equaled a good week.
Kingpin. Best movie ever. Makes Gone With the Wind look like a booger by comparison.
sorry you had to be released from being “teated”.
I had a friend with an Astro van with a five speed - I didn’t think three pedals would fit in that narrow footwell but they did (barely)
Boy, now I don’t feel so dumb for ordering that Studebaker replica dashboard preamp...
Well, I’m not sure how bright I am (or not) to be honest with you. I am however already aware of the additional facts you so kindly pointed out to me. You, on the other hand, my good man, seem to be unable to distinguish between seriousness and facetiousness. But since I’m not too bright (according to you) I’m not…
Came for...not disappointed