Sad these were “real people not actors” who were injured..
Sad these were “real people not actors” who were injured..
And to think - I already own three Chevys and I’m neither an actor nor a real person.
Well .. some buddies managed to take down the British Gov’t with their rifles so ya never know how things might turn out..
Actually, it’s not a minority at all such as most non-liberals have been led to believe...
Well said. The problem is the right wing gets their information as to what a liberal is from noted experts such as Rush Limbaugh. As a liberal myself, I offer to explain to them what a liberal is but they don’t want to listen. This liberal served six plus years in the military and supports the 2nd amendment -but I’m a…
I am inside a liberal mind (my own) and that is not what happens. I first wonder is this lady an NRA member like I am, or a paid shill? Then my next thought is “Who the fuck wrote that shitty script?” Then I think that part of my NRA membership went to pay for that lousy commercial. Hope I cleared up your…
Good point. As a liberal that is just what I have started doing. I even renewed my long lapsed NRA membership. You would not believe how their flagship magazine, The American Rifleman, has changed. The first 26 pages excoriate liberals such as my self and then proceed to kiss Trump’s ass. It’s a wonder they have any…
Nice. My 2017 1LS with the turbo 4 and 6spd manual certainly won’t do that but it’s still a fun drive.
My Dad’s driving would put the Andrettis to shame. One July 4th weekend, he passed twenty four vehicles ( two passes of 12 each) on Minnesota Hwy 47, a two lane, in his 1968 Dodge Van. If I hadn’t survived the experience from the passenger seat, I wouldn’t have believed it. Many times he had his 1965 Olds F-85 up to…
and glovebox hinge lube
“as Yang Liwei, the first Chinese person in space voluntarily..”
Do they all come that way, or just his? Because I bought an anaconda and there was a Volvo gas tank inside of it.
And remember, the Sec’y of Transportation is 13th in line to the Presidency!
Chevy sells cars despite these shit ads, certainly not because of them
Now talent recruiters - there’s a demographic both our generations should be castigating!
Thanks for having this confused old person’s back (or what’s left of it), Block. When I was young I thought folks the age I am now were out of touch as regards the present. Now that I’ve somehow survived to become one of them, turns out I was right! To touch on what Money Hustard said, I don’t think millenials are any…
I grew up with this shit happening in real time - sorry - nothing beautiful about it. Perhaps if you weren’t yet alive in October of 1962 you could enjoy these- I dunno...
“...discrantulating composite molth pads” which is all well and fine if you would have only thought to mention the dipolar thesmognies. Other than that, job well done.
I have a software patch to identify a ‘53 Studebaker
She missed a spot...who cares?