One of the Daily Show’s writing staffs’ finest creations
One of the Daily Show’s writing staffs’ finest creations
It’s kinda their signature piece, right?
Illegal immigrants? Hope Trump doesn’t find out!
What are you, some kinda anti-warmonger or something? (Me too)
They got out alive. Fuck the details
I have a disappointing edit button I’ll trade you for
I’d rather look at Amy Goodman’s legs or for that matter Bill Moyer’s legs just knowing there’s a human being with a heart and soul connected to them
Hey - we used to obey that rule until Dink Cheney came along..
I can tell you they never paint the line on the water. Probably so water skiers don’t trip over it
You are absolutely correct - they told us to co-operate.
When I am elected President, I am going to blame everything on my successor (or Millard Fillmore)
I work with several Persians and I would trust my life with them. Y’know the last group of folks I would trust with my life? - Fox News “Anchors”
We served with some yoinks (who were reservists and played sailor for two weeks a year) who informed us it was our job to die. (Thanks Capt. Obvious). Our response “Got a dime?” “Yeah, why?” “Why don’t you call someone who gives a shit”. “I’m gonna write you up” “Lucky for me you’re far too stupid to spell my name”.…
We can take up a donation - how much you need? (Assuming you would accept cash from a swabee)
Threatening our oil, rubber and aluminum which is part of our freedom i suppose
Not in and of itself - tell me your thoughts on the subject...I’ll start with the premise that if wars solved anything, we would’ve had our last one hundreds of years ago
Megyn Kelly Class Death-Star Steve Doucy Nozzle Canoe?
You were in Gulf of Tonkin? If it weren’t for politicians, irrespective of party affiliation, there would be very few wars. Upon further reflection and a smoke break and another cup of coffee, perhaps I misunderstood your statement. What branch of the service were you in and when did you serve? If you answer that you…
Perhaps a “Nimitz-Class Douche Canoe”?