
I had a ‘79 Corolla Station Wagon with a 5 speed manual. For the longest time I did not know the backup light came on momentarily when shifting from 4th to 5th, until I followed someone driving my vehicle. Promptly adjusted the reverse switch on the transmission. That must’ve been a gotcha for motorists behind me -

Ford, after over 100 years, seems to not have yet mastered the brake light switch. Even on new F150s I see the brake lights flicker when the driver presses the brake pedal.

I’m sure someone already made this comment but I’m too lazy to scroll down. So, what color will the stars be?

And I quote: “Our goal......was to make it possible for you to approach your Vega...”. I can’t stop laughing...better luck in ‘76. They forgot to mention “and we totally douched the grille after ‘72 as well”.

Survey sez: Gimmick. We have been using gestures to operate motor vehicles for a long time now.

You should change your name to “Moby” and try this again!!

The only problem with his signature that I can see is that both balls are the exact same size!

Only to the left...

Good to know someone else has heard of Richard Cranium. Familiar with his second cousin, Richard Whiskey, as well?

Good review - I almost bought a ‘77 Harley (new) but thought $4300 was just too much. Funny thing, guys my age (60’s) who have Harleys - they don’t talk about the road trips as much as they talk about what accessory they are going to buy next. Guess I’ll stick with my ‘75 CB550F and just ride the thing.

One of my customers used to be Ford Parts and they would always (good naturedly) give me a hard time about showing up in a Chevrolet.

And thank god they got the misspelling right!

You are definitely on the right track - stupidity is our largest and most vastly underrated natural resource. Build me one of these, don’t forget the chrome-plated heater knobs, and I’ll write you a check.

I’ve had quite a few Chevys that would start...but not at thirty seven five.

I stand corrected.

Actually, you bought an unlimited Aston Martin with a $45,000 warranty.

In Russia, gas burns you!

“Limited orifice” is a euphemism too, right?

Still an improvement over the Windows Registry!