
that pram!

one can lose immunity for a variety of reasons. for example, if you have a bone marrow transplant, you lose any immunity you built previously in life (whether that immunity came from a vaccine or some other exposure to the illness).

i prefer worship-free vacations.

that’s the nanny, right?

i am irrationally excited by this! YAY!!!!!!!!

quick show of hands: how many wanted to send this piece to their boss but know the boss would never guess its about her?

there are a lot of cancers with no known cause.

heh heh. just last week the checker at whole foods charged me five times for the same item. went back the next day and got a refund without too much difficulty. complained to mama sheep (a notorious cheapskate) and she said, i always watch the grocery checker like a hawk.

publix is the best supermarket ever. profit sharing for employees, and fried chicken good enough to cry over.

it’s wrong if it results in discrimination against a protected group. what if he said he wouldn’t meet or eat with (minority group of choice), for whatever reason? not only wrong, but also perpetuating the evil of discrimiation.

you are the third person to recommend station eleven to me today” must be good

omg, that gif!!

i am confused. did the customer rip them off for a buck, so they tasered him, or did the restaurant rip him off, and then taser him also?

i can’t get enough of this gif

Or to his time in office

choose a black cat. they go with everything

what a pit of vipers!

just purchased this, using a gift card from a parent. heh heh.

oh shit, that’s what it’s for? definitely won’t tell my cancer patient dad...

wait, people who own a liquor store object to adults buying liquor in front of their kid, who hangs out all the time at the liquor store? weird business plan.